Shri ram
red bricks summit

Sh. Dipak Misra
Former Chief Justice of India
The warrior of gender equality, the torchbearer of human fundamental rights, he is the man who blazed the path for establishing the supremacy and independence of the judiciary.
In his 13 month tenure punctuated by a series of historic landmark judgements, he has been the beacon of light in the global fight for individual liberty and gender equality.
The man behind the final verdict on the historic 120-year-old dispute over the Cauvery River, his achievements are applauded worldwide for their revolutionary impact.
Using multidisciplinary approach that involved learnings from history, physics, economics, psychology and philosophy to bring out facets of true leadership in the Shri Ram Red Bricks Summit.
Sh. Prabhu Chawla
Editorial Director, The New Indian Express
“Nobody is ready for debate; bullets cannot undo the mandate of the ballot. If people disagree with the government then defeat them through the ballot. It is time that India stops talking about caste politics. We are talking about Digital India and still the economy is not going the way it was supposed to,” - Prabhu Chawla.
While speaking on the current political scenario in the country Mr. Chawla interacted with the young minds in the Shri Ram Red Bricks Summit.
