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MINDUCTOR is the flagship annual event of the Human Resource Development Cell, SRCC, showcasing the pinnacle of academic and extracurricular talent. The event included 6 exciting competitions and not only provides a platform for participants to showcase their talents but also offers them an opportunity to engage with and learn from industry leaders and professionals through insightful speaker sessions, aimed at fostering deeper understanding and real-world perspectives on HR and various other fields.

This competition is an exhilarating fusion of strategy, finance, and portfolio management, that puts your analytical prowess and decision-making skills to the test. Its 3 rounds include a quiz on finance, economics and investment, a case study round where one navigates through market trends, crafting innovative investment strategies to make a hypothetical portfolio, and a final round of presentation to the judges.
Case Canvas
This competition is a test of one’s knowledge of HR practices, talent management, and strategic thinking, working with the best fellow HR enthusiasts and gaining valuable insights from them. The first round includes a quiz on finance, economics, HR, business and more, the second involves preparing a case study deck and the final round involves presentation of the decks to the panel of judges.


This competition calls for a blend of creativity, critical thinking, and social impact as it delves into the realm of business models aimed at addressing pressing issues like carbon emission suppression and empowering local communities. It involves 2 exciting rounds: the first being a business plan round where you get to refine a concept into a compelling business plan, and the second being an on campus live pitching round to showcase your business knowledge and entrepreneurial skills.
Marketing Blitz
This is a test of creativity and marketing prowess, covering jaw-dropping rebranding ventures and viral marketing campaigns. The first round consists of a quiz to test your marketing acumen and a maze of brain-teasers, the second consists of submitting creative solutions to marketing disasters, and the final consists of a marketing-consulting deck, providing solutions to problem statements.

Dealmakers Showdown
This competition tests your ability to strategize, negotiate, and dominate the playing field of Mergers & Acquisitions. It’s a test of your business acumen, deal-making finesse, and ability to think on your feet. Its 3 exciting rounds consist of a quiz to test your knowledge on Mergers & Acquisitions, Financial Modeling, Synergies, and more, bidding and crafting a comprehensive deck outlining the merger of 2 companies and a final on campus presentation of the merger proposal .
This competition is a platform to showcase leadership, strategic thinking, and a commitment to social impact by analysing situations, and crafting a comprehensive CSR plan to tackle complex issues like environmental sustainability, ethical sourcing, and community development. The first round is a quiz to judge one’s understanding of CSR, social impact and analytical and problem-solving skills. The second involves crafting solutions to CSR based case studies and the third involves pitching of the solutions to the panel of judges.